Free Content. Subscription Services. Customized Workshops.

What Would Ideal Professional Development Look Like at Your School?

Socrates thinking about different types of professional development such as workshops, mentorships, consultations, and more.

At Socrates - Head of School we begin our partnership, fittingly, with a question. We ask you the question you see above and then we listen to your answer. You let us know what areas of growth you have at your school and we build out the experience that would be the most useful to you. Instead of listing exactly what we can offer, we take your answer to the question above and then use our extensive database of content to design options that might be helpful to you. Instead of asking you if what we offer works for you, we design something that meets your needs. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at or visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.

Meeting with potential partners in Colorado