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Leading, Strategic Leadership Socrates - Head of School Team Leading, Strategic Leadership Socrates - Head of School Team

Leading with Gratitude

We know there is a huge gap between how often school leaders feel they appreciate those they lead and how appreciated the average teacher feels. Leading with Gratitude is the antidote! It’s hard to imagine a better book for a school leader to read than this one. It might affirm you are showing gratitude enough and in the right ways or it could transform how you interact with others.

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Leading, Strategic Leadership Socrates - Head of School Team Leading, Strategic Leadership Socrates - Head of School Team

The Case Against Education

Have you ever wanted an economist to break down the traditional perceptions of the value of an education? Well if so… you are in luck! Bryan Caplan does just that in The Case Against Education. Statistical analysis of the human capital vs. signaling theories is done with his theory that education is primarily about “signaling” to the world that someone is suitable for the workplace.

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Leading, Strategic Leadership Socrates - Head of School Team Leading, Strategic Leadership Socrates - Head of School Team

Fearless Organization

Why do employees stay silent in the workplace when they know something is wrong? In The Fearless Organization, Amy Edmondson explores the idea of psychological safety and argues that establishing a psychologically safe workplace can lead to increased workplace safety, better teamwork, and increased innovations.

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Learning, Innovation and Idea Generation, Strategic Leadership Socrates - Head of School Team Learning, Innovation and Idea Generation, Strategic Leadership Socrates - Head of School Team

Post Corona

In Post Corona, Scott Galloway brings us into the future world economy and the forces that will drive it. While less about Corona than the title implies, it’s a clear window into the future from a great thinker. We would serve students better if we began to think a bit more like Scott Galloway about what’s to come... in education.

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Leading, Strategic Leadership Socrates - Head of School Team Leading, Strategic Leadership Socrates - Head of School Team

Leading Change

This book is a must read for any school in the midst of change as there are anecdotes and guidelines that are sure to be useful. An example of the kind of advice doled out is Kotter’s rule of thumb for vision explanation: “If you can’t describe the vision for a change initiative in five minutes or less and get a reaction of understanding and interest, you aren’t going to be successful.”

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Leading, Strategic Leadership, Personal and Professional Growth Socrates - Head of School Team Leading, Strategic Leadership, Personal and Professional Growth Socrates - Head of School Team

Dare to Lead

Dare to Lead reads as though you are sitting down with Brene Brown for a gut check over a really strong cup of coffee (hold the artificial sweetener). Through her unapologetic tone, she lights a spark in that one corner of your heart, better yet, your soul that makes you sit straight up in your bed, grab your remote as though it’s a microphone, and say to yourself - “I can do this”.

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