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Leading, Employee Performance and Talent Development Socrates - Head of School Team Leading, Employee Performance and Talent Development Socrates - Head of School Team

Rookie Smarts

Wondering what the value of hiring young teachers and administrators might be? Looking to give a shot to someone switching careers? In Rookie Smarts, Liz Wisman will take you through all of the variables of giving those with a fresh perspective the chance to do new work. This book will change the way you hire, promote, and evaluate… three critical components to all leadership positions.

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Leading, Employee Performance and Talent Development Socrates - Head of School Team Leading, Employee Performance and Talent Development Socrates - Head of School Team

Who Not How

If you’ve ever outsourced work you didn’t want to do, then you understand the joy of freeing up your time while knowing the work was still being done. That theme…applied to all aspects of your life, is the basis of Who Not How. A great read for anyone looking to dramatically expand their influence on the world.

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The Power of a Positive Team

Written as sort of a group workbook, The Power of a Positive Team by Jon Gordon is 90% inspirational and 10% solid examples of ways to create positive teams. The reader travels from athletic fields to boardrooms while Gordon illustrates how positivity has made the difference for various team experiences.

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The Power of Moments

In The Power of Moments, the Heath brothers piece together research, personal anecdotes, history, and psychology to clarify something that affects us all… moments in our lives. They clarify the conditions that increase the chances they are memorable, like creating “peak moments”(eg. college acceptance communication), “leveling up” your pride (e.g. Boy Scout levels), and connections (e.g. team-building exercises) all enhance the moments of our lives

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The Art of Gathering

Did you know the greatest potential for memorable moments at an event happens at the beginning, end, and a peak moment in between? In The Art of Gathering, Priya Parker unpacks each component of a gathering from invitation to intentional ending with the perfect combination of research and anecdotes.

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Getting to Yes

Have you ever been involved in a negotiation or disagreement and been frustrated by the resolution process or outcome? If so, Fisher, Ury, and Patton have the solution for next time in Getting to Yes. The reader will learn why stating interests rather than positions is key, why where you sit matters, and why acknowledging the worth of the other party are all keys to success.

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Learning, Soft-Skills Development Socrates - Head of School Team Learning, Soft-Skills Development Socrates - Head of School Team


In what is perhaps the most buzzworthy and conversation-inducing book within education this century, Mindset vividly demonstrates the difference between a “growth” and a “fixed” mindset. The former is a blueprint for a life of learning and achievement, and the latter, a life of low-effort, defensive responses creating a feeling of constantly not measuring up.

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