Changing Professional Development One Question At A Time
Future Driven
Think you might want to read this book?
David Geurin’s Future Driven reads like he's been paying close attention to the education reform movement for the past decade, written down what he's learned on scraps of paper, and then compiled them into a book. While not a smooth read from cover to cover, there are plenty of bursts of excitement about changing education and reasons to hope for the future. Perhaps the most poignant point is the letter entitled “Dear Defender of the Status Quo” on p.174. It is possible that educators all over the world who are trying to move education forward want to send this same hypothetical letter to specific parents, colleagues, and administrators who have tried to slow down their efforts to improve learning experiences for students.
What Would Socrates Ask?
What if we embedded the prediction process in more student learning experiences?
How should we use video in the classroom - to introduce, close or review material?
What is the single most important reason educators should empower students?
Should schools report out on curiosity?
How should learning that involves failure and iterations be reported out on?
How do we teach students that learning is a lifelong endeavor?
Could asking a high quality question be a way to demonstrate mastery?
Should the role of teacher morph into more of a “guide” or “coach” with assessment done anonymously and/or by teams (in both cases - not being the teacher)?
What is more valuable- to be an expert, expert learner or expert questioner?
Are our libraries relevant or should they be redesigned?
“One study revealed that 91% of HR managers consider the ability of a candidate to deal with change a major recruiting goal.”
Six word stories are a great way to develop creativity and clarity.
There is a cool distinction between setting up learning experiences with a Delivery System vs. a Discovery System- are we setting up learning where students are passively receiving or actively uncovering learning?
4 Keys to optimal learning experiences: project, teamwork, mentor/teacher and risk of failure/celebration of success.
7 Ways to make learning more meaningful: build relationships, tell stories of triumph and tragedy, serve others, solve real problems, champion a cause, be passionate and invite reflection.
Quotes from the author
“I think the shift of agency to the learner is one of our most pressing issues in education.”
“If students can do well on your test just by having access to Google, maybe your test needs to change. If the goal is to develop transferable skills, create assessments that require students to apply what they know. If you must give tests, make them like almost nothing you’ve practiced. Have them draw on the skills you’ve practiced but force them to transfer to a new context.”
“What if we thought more about how we would learn something ourselves and less about how we are going to teach it? If you were going to set out to learn a topic, apart from the formal school setting, what would you do? How would you learn if it was completely up to you? The purpose of school, after all, is learning, not teaching. How would you learn if it was completely up to you? I’m guessing it would probably include using technology, finding resources, connecting with experts, etc.”
“We are using the worst technology right now that we will ever use in our lifetime.”
“You can model change and innovation for your students. When you are innovative in the classroom, students are more likely to become adaptable, innovative learners.”
“Content is changing so fast it’s impossible to keep up. The only way to thrive is to be a forever learner.”
“If educators fail to adapt to the rapidly changing world, our students will suffer. Someone else will get the job. Someone else will solve the problem.”
Quotes from Others
“Too often we give children answers to know rather than problems to solve.” - Roger Lewin
“Good writing is good thinking made visible.” - Bill Wheeler