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Leading, Learning, Soft-Skills Development, Curriculum and Instruction Socrates - Head of School Team Leading, Learning, Soft-Skills Development, Curriculum and Instruction Socrates - Head of School Team


If you are interested in motivation for yourself, your students, or those you lead, you will find plenty of ideas and research in Drive. Daniel Pink sandwiches mastery, autonomy, and purpose in between his call for new methods of motivating and toolkits to do so. A masterful combination of history, research, and theory will be a joy for anyone interested in motivating themselves or others.

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Learning, Curriculum and Instruction, Student Assessment and Feedback Socrates - Head of School Team Learning, Curriculum and Instruction, Student Assessment and Feedback Socrates - Head of School Team

The One World Schoolhouse

Khan Academy is offering courses in much more than just math and more than 100 million people use the site each year. If you are curious about Khan’s philosophy of education and his vision for the future, this book will inspire you to change education on a grand scale. After all, the Mission of Khan Academy is to provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.

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Learning, Curriculum and Instruction, Soft-Skills Development Socrates - Head of School Team Learning, Curriculum and Instruction, Soft-Skills Development Socrates - Head of School Team


Seth Godin’s Linchpin proclaims that the industrial model of schooling and living as cogs in a machine is outdated, and in turn, explains how individuals can transform themselves into indispensable linchpins that create art, inspire human connections, and solve interesting problems. Godin chips away at traditional educational models that rely upon fear, compliance, and rote memorization; however, he also provides innovative alternatives centered around the belief in students, growth, leadership, and taking risks.

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