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Nudge is a great book for teachers and administrators to read as we want to guide children towards learning a bit easier. If we see ourselves as “choice architects” more and purveyors of knowledge less, our students will certainly be better off. This is a great read for any educator looking to set up relevant choices for their students and/or teachers.

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Leading, Employee Performance and Talent Development Socrates - Head of School Team Leading, Employee Performance and Talent Development Socrates - Head of School Team

Work Rules!

In Work Rules!, Lazlo Bock systematically relays how Google’s approach to people and work pushes the boundaries of traditional human resource protocols. You will learn why instincts actually impede the hiring process, why focusing on the two tails of a distribution is most valuable, why salary scales are in fact problematic, and why nudges are better than just providing information or making decisions for others.

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Leading, Employee Performance and Talent Development Socrates - Head of School Team Leading, Employee Performance and Talent Development Socrates - Head of School Team

Who Not How

If you’ve ever outsourced work you didn’t want to do, then you understand the joy of freeing up your time while knowing the work was still being done. That theme…applied to all aspects of your life, is the basis of Who Not How. A great read for anyone looking to dramatically expand their influence on the world.

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The Power of Moments

In The Power of Moments, the Heath brothers piece together research, personal anecdotes, history, and psychology to clarify something that affects us all… moments in our lives. They clarify the conditions that increase the chances they are memorable, like creating “peak moments”(eg. college acceptance communication), “leveling up” your pride (e.g. Boy Scout levels), and connections (e.g. team-building exercises) all enhance the moments of our lives

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From Master Teacher to Master Learner

Will Richardson makes it clear from the get-go in From Master Teacher to Master Learner that the model teacher needs to now be a learner first and foremost. He reinforces the idea that our students no longer need teachers who have encyclopedic knowledge, but rather those who can model learning and guide students through what learning should look like in the digital age.

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Learning, Curriculum and Instruction Socrates - Head of School Team Learning, Curriculum and Instruction Socrates - Head of School Team

Made to Stick

Taken from the perspective of what makes an idea stick, this book analyzes and presents effective delivery methods to increase the retention of concepts or ideas. The Heath brothers use real-world examples and a somewhat informal tone to assist their readers in applying the six principles of “stickiness” (Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotional, Stories: SUCCESS) necessary for effective concept retention.

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