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Learning, Soft-Skills Development Socrates - Head of School Team Learning, Soft-Skills Development Socrates - Head of School Team

Out of Our Minds

As teachers, how do we foster and celebrate ability and natural capacities? In Out of Our Minds Sir Ken Robinson suggests that the answer may just be creativity. He points out that our world is shaped by human imagination. Emphasis is also placed on the fact that finding, and fulfilling, our creative potential helps us live a happier life.

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Learning, Curriculum and Instruction, Soft-Skills Development Socrates - Head of School Team Learning, Curriculum and Instruction, Soft-Skills Development Socrates - Head of School Team

Different Schools for a Different World

Different Schools for a Different World is a quick read for anyone who needs convincing or reminding why traditional education hasn’t, and isn’t, working. Links to organizations doing great work, the TRUDACOT model for tech integration, and examples of deep learning schools at the end are all handy. Use them to remind us that there are tools and examples for us to tap into for inspiration and guidance.

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Learning, Curriculum and Instruction, Soft-Skills Development Socrates - Head of School Team Learning, Curriculum and Instruction, Soft-Skills Development Socrates - Head of School Team


Seth Godin’s Linchpin proclaims that the industrial model of schooling and living as cogs in a machine is outdated, and in turn, explains how individuals can transform themselves into indispensable linchpins that create art, inspire human connections, and solve interesting problems. Godin chips away at traditional educational models that rely upon fear, compliance, and rote memorization; however, he also provides innovative alternatives centered around the belief in students, growth, leadership, and taking risks.

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